Ready to go Green?

Environmental solutions for organizations that wants to have an impact on climat.

Our latest ressources


Lifetime greenhouse gas calculator for cars in the US and Canada

Scope 1, 2, 3 explained


Change starts with understanding the urgency

Our mission

Provide relevant information about the climat emergency in a wide range of industries.

Our services

Enabling solutions to recuce carbon emissions. Reducing carbon footprint while increasing profitability. Our unique team mixes up field experts with communication professionals to create easy to use ressources.

GHG inventory

Get the report to take action

Custom graphics

Communicate environmental data in a way your audience cares


The most carbon heavy State in the USA

896 gCO2/kWh


Represents the carbon consumption of an electric car in that state

Electric car GHG emission by state

Compare every state regarding the consumption of CO2 generated by eletric car usage and production.

Our clients

Clean. Renewable. Efficient.

Talk with us to get the data working for you.

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